Can YouTube Premium Family See History?

Can YouTube Premium Family See History

One great way to save money and access an ad-free YouTube version is to share a YouTube Premium Family plan with your family or loved ones. But this version has some concerns, such as Watch History!

Can your family members see those videos that you like to watch? Maybe it’s the Weekend’s music video or a scary documentary about a haunted house!

In this article, we will answer the questions regarding “YouTube Premium Family Privacy” and explore the privacy settings of YouTube Premium Family.

We want to reveal whether your watch history is a public family concern or something private.

So, let’s unlock the secrets of the YouTube premium family plan watch history shared!

What Is the YouTube Family Plan?

The YouTube Family Plan is an option for YouTube Premium and YouTube Music Premium, where you can share your membership benefits with five members living in the same place. (they should be more than 13 years old)

As you can see, it is cost-effective to share the premium features with your whole family and enjoy them, compared to purchasing individual memberships.

Before learning to use YouTube’s premium family version, we want to discuss its privacy concerns so you can decide whether to set this up!

Can Family Members See YouTube Watch History?

YouTube cares about your privacy, so NO! They absolutely can’t see your History on YouTube family plan! So, as you see, one of the fundamental features of the YouTube Family Plan is prioritizing an individual’s privacy.

punezThese are the reasons that you can make sure your watch history is safe with YouTube:

1.   Having Separate Accounts

Each family member keeps their own Google account on the YouTube family plan. In other words, your watch history, liked videos, playlists, and subscriptions on your YouTube account are all distinct and inaccessible to other family members. It is also true for them.

Can Family Members See YouTube Watch History

2.   Built-in Privacy

The YouTube Family Plan is built on protecting the individual’s privacy. This is why you won’t see any information about what other family members are watching.

Feel free to explore any videos you like, whether music videos or different documentaries, without fear of judgment (or amusement) from the rest of the family, especially your siblings!

We list some tips below that you must consider while using the YouTube premium family plan.

punezTips to use YouTube premium family plan:

  • Shared Devices: If you use a shared device like a family computer or tablet, you must sign out of your YouTube account after watching. Otherwise, the next device member might see your previously watched videos. (since they are using your account)
  • Other Google Products: Your watch history remains private within YouTube. Yet some features of other Google products tied to your account might be influenced by your YouTube viewing habits. For example, your YouTube viewing habits influence personalized recommendations in Google Search.

Overall, the YouTube Family Plan offers a secure and private way to enjoy premium features with your family. Your watch history remains your own, and you can explore the vast world of YouTube content without any privacy concerns.

Are you eager to have a YouTube family plan? Let’s get one!

How To Set up a Family Plan on YouTube?

Now that you know YouTube thinks about your privacy and no one accesses your watch history, you can use this amazing and budget-friendly feature on YouTube.

How To Set up a Family Plan on YouTube

There are two main ways to set up a YouTube Family Plan, depending on whether you already have a Google Family Group:

punezLet’s consider you already have a Google Family Group:

  1. Sign in to your YouTube account associated with your paid YouTube Premium or Music Premium membership.
  2. Open the YouTube app or access YouTube on a web browser on your laptop or PC.
  3. Tap on your profile picture in the top right corner.
  4. They choose “Purchases and memberships”.
  5. Look for “Learn More” next to YouTube Premium or YouTube Music Premium (depending on your subscription).
  6. You might see an option to “Upgrade to family plan” or “Save money with a family or student plan.” Click on that option.

You will likely see a confirmation screen since you already have a Family Group. Click “Continue” to proceed with the purchase and share the plan with your existing family members.

In the steps below, you will learn how to create a family group and your YouTube premium family plan.

punezIf you don’t have a Google Family Group:

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above to access your YouTube account and membership details.
  2. After selecting “Learn More” for your desired membership, select “Get family plan.”
  3. Now, YouTube will guide you through setting up a new Google Family Group. This will involve:
    1. Creating a family group name.
    2. Inviting up to five family members (+13) by email or text.
  4. Once your family members accept the invitation and join the group, you can complete the purchase of the Family Plan.

Congratulations! You can now access the YouTube premium family plan and share this amazing version with your closest ones without jeopardizing your privacy!

Let’s end this session.

To Wrap It Up

Managing the Family Plan on YouTube is relatively easy, and you can use this guidance to set up one and keep exploring this fantastic platform.

Some users might have this misconception that YouTube family plans to watch others watch History, but now you see that YouTube thinks about each individual’s privacy like no one else!

This article completely explains the privacy settings of the YouTube family account, and you can use the instructions above to set up your family plan ASAP!

If you have questions regarding the “Can YouTube Premium Family See History? topic, please drop them in the section below.

Until then, keep exploring YouTube’s premium family plan!

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